Universitatea Stefan cel Mare Suceava Facultatea de Silvicultura Suceava


Title: Institutional entrepreneurship and impacts on sustainable forest management in Romania: bridging socio-economic and remote sensing tools

Acronym: INFORMA
Contract  code: PN-II-RU-TE-2012-3-0304
Contract  number: 32 din 29/04/2013

Funding: This project is funded from the state budget
The name of the programme from PN II: Research projects in training of young and independent research teams.

Budget - Total budget INFORMA: 451.701 lei
Contract terms: 39 months
Contracting authority: Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, of the Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)

Contact Person of Contracting Authority 
Valentin Tihan – UEFISCDI, București, str.Mendeleev, nr. 21-25, sector 1, phone 021.308.05.33, fax. 021.311.59.92,e-mail: valentin.tihan@uefiscdi.ro

Contractor: Ștefan Cel Mare University of Suceava

Contact person for Contractor:     
Str. Universitatii, 13, 720229 Suceava,
Phone: + 40 746 544 825.


2012 Suceava Forestry Faculty - INFORMA                                                                                                   Site developed by dr. Ciprian Palaghianu