CLIMFOR Facultatea de Silvicultura Suceava
CLIMFOR Project Results

Forest response to climate change predicted from multicentury climate proxy-records

in the Carpathian region (CLIMFOR)

The results of the project are presented in this website section. Please revisit us in the future in order to be informed about our climate reconstructions findings in the Carpathian region.

1. Scientific papers

  • C.Nechita, 2014, The dendroclimatic signal in Quercus robur L. tree-ring chronologies from the northern Romania, Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula:Protectia Mediului,Vol. XXIII
  • C.Nechita, 2014, Researches regarding climate impact over growth rings in oak in the region of Baia Bare, Baramures, Romania, Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula:Protectia Mediului,Vol. XXIII
  • I.Popa, V.Caisin, 2015, Raspunsul comparativ al fagului si stejarului la seceta în Rezervatia Naturala Codrii (R. Moldova), Bucovina Forestiera 15(1): 45-53
  • C.Gh.Sidor, I.Popa, 2015, Influenta parametrilor meteorologici lunari si periodici asupra cresterii radiale a bradului, pinului silvestru si laricelui din Banat, Bucovina Forestiera 15(1): 55-63, 2015
  • M.Radoane, C.Nechita, F.Chiriloaei, N.Radoane, I.Popa, C.Roibu, D.Robu, 2015, Late Holocene fluvial activity and correlations with dendrochronology of subfossil trunks: Case studies of northeastern Romania, Geomorphology 239, 142-159
  • Nagavciuc, V., 2015, Potentialul izotopilor stabili in cercetari dendroclimatologice, Revista de Silvicultura si Cinegetica. 37/2015, 33-37
  • C.Nechita, M.Radoane, F.Chiriloaei, N.Radoane, I.Popa, C.Roibu, D.Robu, 2016, Subfossil oaks from alluvial deposits and their role in past fluvial activities analysis: case study East Carpathian rivers, Romania
  • Feurdean, A., et al., 2016. Long-term land-cover/use change in a traditional farming landscape in Romania inferred from pollen data, historical maps and satellite images. Regional Environmental Change: 1-15
  • Popa, I., 2016. Arbori multiseculari intre mit si realitate. Revista de cinegetica si silvicultura. in print.
  • Nechita, C., Popa, I., 2016. Climate signal derived from tree ring growth with daily resolution in oaks. Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula: Protectia Mediului .. in print.
  • Nechita, C., Popa, I., 2016. Dendrochronological dating of the old-come-shorts wooden bridges in historical Bucovina, Romania. Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula: Protectia Mediului .. in print.

2. Oral communications and conference presentations

  • A.Persoiu, 2014, Stable isotopes in precipitation in Romania
  • C.Nechita,M.Radoane,F.Chiriloaei,N.Radoane,I.Popa,C.Roibu, 2014, The potential of subfossil trunks for deriving floating dendrochronologies in NE Romania
  • C.Nechita,I.Popa, 2014, A multispecies tree ring climate signal pattern at low altitude in North-Eastern Romania


  • Badaluta C., Nagavciuc V., Persoiu A., Stable isotopic composition of bottled mineral waters from Romania, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12- 17 April, 2015.
  • Badaluta, C., Nagavciuc, V., et. al., "Stable isotope composition of well from Suceava River basin in the cold season", The 10-th International Symposium Environmental Quality and Land Use, 8-10 May 2015, Suceava, Romania;
  • Badaluta C., The potential of Scariºoara Ice Cave (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) in paleoclimatic studies, Summer School on Speleothem Science, 23-29 August 2015, Oxford, UK.
  • Badaluta C., Nagavciuc V., Persoiu A., Stable isotopes composition from water - a new method in climatology research. Study case - Scarisoara Ice Cave Climate, The Symposium of Applied Climatology I. F. Mihailescu 17-19 August 2015, Constanta, Romania.
  • Badaluta C., Distribution of stable isotopes composition in river waters from Romania preliminary investigations, ESIR Workshop XIII, 20-24 September 2015, Zadar, Croatia.
  • Nagavciuc, V., Persoiu, A., Badaluta, C-A., "Temporal and spatial distributions of ?18O and ?2H in precipitation in Romania", European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015, 12 - 17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria;
  • Nagavciuc V., Popa I., Kern, Z., Persoiu, A.,"Correlation between daily climatic data and oxygen isotope composition in cellulose of Pinus cembra L. tree rings (Calimani Mts. Romania)", accepted, Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2016),11-15 May 2016, Bia³owie¿a Poland;
  • Nagavciuc V., Badaluşa C.A., Persoiu A.,"How does human perception influences the registration of hydric regime variability in historical documents", International Conference "Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia, 17-19 June 2015, Gdansk, Poland;
  • Nagavciuc V., C. Badaluta, A.Persoiu, 2015, How does human perception influences the registration of hydric regime variability in historical documents?
  • V.Nagavciuc, I.Popa, Z. Kern, A.Persoiu, C.Badaluta, 2015, The climatic signal recorded by Swiss stone pine (Pinus Cembra L.) tree-ringoxygen and carbon isotopes in NE Romania, ESIR Isotope Workshop XIII, Zadar, Croatia, 20 - 24 September, 2015;
  • Nagavciuc, V., Popa, I., Kern, Z., Persoiu, A., Badaluta, C.A.,"Oxygen isotope composition of tree-rings and climate variability in Eastern Carpathians, Romania", International Scientific Conference on Dendrochronology Climate and Human History in the Mediterranean Basin, EuroDendro 2015", 18-23 October 2015, Antalya Turkey.
  • Nechita C. et al. Subfossil oaks from alluvial deposits and their role in past fluvial activities analysis: case study East Carpathians rivers, Romania. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015, 12 - 17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria;


  • Badaluta C., Persoiu A., The climatic signal recorded in Scarisoara Ice Cave (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) during the last millennium, , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  • Kern Z., Nagavciuc V., Popa, I., Persoiu, A., Evaluation of the age related systematic patterns of stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.), accepted, Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2016),11-15 May 2016, Bia³owie¿a Poland;
  • Mursa A., Nagavciuc V., Roibu C C., Popa I., Cotos M G.,A 400 years long summer temperature reconstruction based on maximum density in Pinus cembra L. tree rings, in Eastern Carpathian Mts., Romania, accepted, Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2016),11-15 May 2016, Bia³owie¿a Poland;
  • Nagavciuc, V. Popa, I., Kern Z., Persoiu, A., 400 years of summer climatic conditions in the N Carpathian Mts. (eastern Europe) based on O and C stable isotopes in Pinus Cembra L tree rings, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, 17 - 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria;
  • Nagavciuc, V., Popa, I., Persoiu, A., Kern Z.,Evaluation of the age related systematic patterns of stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) Eastern Carpathians, Romania, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, 17 - 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria;
  • Nechita, C., Chiriloaei, F., Radoane, M., Popa, I., and Radoane, N., 2016. Climate signal detected in sub-fossil and living oak trees data. An analysis of signal frequency components, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Austria, Vienna, 17-22 April.
  • Nechita, C., Popa, I., Badea, O., Chiriloaei, F., Leca, S., 2016. Periodic response of intra-annual radial growth features for Quercus sp. to climate oscillations in southern Romania. TRACE 2016, Polonia, Bialowieza, 11-15 May.
  • Nechita, C., Popa, I., Chiriloaei, F., Radoane, M., (2016), Rezultate preliminare privind formarea unei serii dendrocronologice lungi din secvente de stejari si ulm în Estul României, SNG2016, Romania, Piatra Neamt, 19-22 May.
  • Nechita, C., Chiriloaei, F., Popa I., 2016. Semnalul climatic extras din inelele de crestere la stejari în NE României, proxy pentru evaluarea paleomediului pentru ultimii 7000 de ani, SNG2016, Romania, Piatra Neamt, 19-22 mai.
  • Nechita, C., Popa, I., Radoane, M., Chiriloaei, F., Roibu, C., Mursa, A., 2016. Multidirectional analysis of a dendrochronological network from NE Romania in order to build a 600 years chronology used to reconstruct past climate. Forum Carpaticum, Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive, Bucharest, Romania, 28-30 September.
  • Nechita, C., Popa, I., Chiriloaei, F., Radoane, M., Roibu, C., Mursa, A., Cheptea, S., Apavaloaei, B., 2016. Preliminary results on building long oak and elm dendrochronological series in Eastern Romania. TRACE 2016, Polonia, Bialowieza, 11-15 May.
  • Persoiu A., Badaluta C., Onac B.P., Stable isotope in cave ice: tracking changes in moisture sources in eastern Europe, 7th International Workshop on Ice Caves, 16 - 22 May 2016, Postojna, Slovenia.
  • Popa, I., Nechita, C., Sidor, C., 2016. Stand dynamics and disturbance history in mixed forest of Norway spruce and cembra pine from Eastern Carpathians. Forum Carpaticum, Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive, Bucharest, Romania, 28-30 September.
  • Radoane, M., Nechita, C., Chiriloaei, F., and Radoane, N., 2016. Changes in precipitation, runoff and sediment transport in the Eastern Romania during the period 1950 to 2010, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Austria, Vienna, 17-22 April website
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